SDS IREG is a leading standard software for automated reporting according to CRS, FATCA, QI, TRACE, and MIKADIV. SDS IREG covers the specific standards of all key financial centers.

SDS IREG is designed for the automated processing of huge data volumes under FATCA, CRS, QI, and TRACE agreements by regional and global financial institutions. In addition, the MIKADIV reporting regulations are covered for Germany. SDS IREG provides customers with a solution compliant with current regulatory requirements. Regulatory changes are constantly analysed in cooperation with our licensees and are implemented at an early point in time.

Functional Highlights

  • Covers CRS, FATCA, QI, TRACE, and MIKADIV reporting in one single platform.
  • Global and local scheme definitions for over 80 countries.
  • Automatic generation of amendments, voids, and correction reports.
  • Integrated legal and regulatory maintenance.
  • Unlimited scalability.
  • Highest STP rates result in the lowest risk and cost.
  • Multi-entity, multi-currency, and multi-country capability.

Business Values

  • Regulatory reporting automation.
  • Industry-proven reliability.
  • Customisation of operating models.
  • Highest business efficiency.
  • Scalability and adaptability.
  • Full compliance is supported by regulatory watch services.