SDS NOSTRO is a fully automated and cost-efficient multi-ledger accounting and reporting software for the management of principal holdings of securities and derivative financial instruments.
SDS NOSTRO addresses credit institutions and financial service providers for securities processing. SDS NOSTRO meets the requirements of accounting and balancing, controlling, external audits and supervisory and internal reporting completely.
Functional Highlights
- Primary accounting according to national law.
- Parallel accounting in accordance with IFRS.
- Third-party accounting for other valuation regulations (i.e. comparative balance sheets, etc.).
- Flexible parameterisation.
- Consistent history of all data.
- Multi-client and multi-language capability.
- Disposal methods: FIFO and moving average method.
- Netting of active, passive, long and short positions.
- Exception Handling to support monitoring and internal individual processes.
Business Values
- Fully automated and cost efficient.
- Fully compliant to accounting regulations.
- FDWH for evaluations, reporting solutions, revenue and risk-management.